On today's show, Dan and John take questions from viewers and show how to complete actions in the Chief Architect software. See descriptions below to view specific actions.
Introduction 00:01
Dan's new logo ideas 03:55
Reframing a roof & ceiling joist (collar tie) 10:05
How to import a library into Chief 22:20
Memory management for a 73 unit building 24:30
Changing the distance for a creep move with arrow keys 36:35
Breaking polylines to fit irregular shapes 38:05
Sloping a half wall along a set of stairs 41:50
Drawing parking lot lines and curbs 49:19
Tinting shower glass so you can see it 1:00:47
Making a horizontal section cut to display a roof 1:02:55
Digital Marketing Clarity for Contractors and Designers
Finally, an easy-to-follow course to help you discover how to create a great website, get found on Google, set up a social media platform that you enjoy using, and stay in touch with your past clients