Download Byran's Free Construction Checklist Package
Join Dan and John as they talk with Bryan Kaplan with Construction Consulting, as he explains how you can take control of the sales process so you can more effectively help your clients reach their goals.
If you tolerate prospects telling you that you should be giving them a free estimate, running out to meet them without having even spoken, and meeting their timeline requests, then you can't expect that the project would be any different.
Bryan gives some great insight on questions to ask, qualifying a client, why you should charge for estimatess and even gives some action items that you can start implementing.
Bryan Kaplan's Free Checklist 01:58
The Problems In Your Sales Process 04:13
How Do Your Prospects Feel? 11:34
Bryan's Bio 14:34
Take Control! 16:46
What Questions Should You Ask? 21:30
Qualifying A Client 32:21
Why Do You Offer Free Estimates? 38:00
Why You Should Charge for Estimates 43:02
The Pre-Construction Estimating Process 45:05
Your Action Items 53:17
Sales Mastery Courses 54:54
Q&A 56:10
Bryan Kaplan is the owner of Construction Consulting. He works with those in the construction industry to help you systemize & scale your business to give you the confidence to lead, profit as you should, and have more freedom to enjoy the ride. https://constructionconsulting.co